indiscipline of design

Design Examples

The use of a media introduces the necessary distance to explore alternatives by sketching or prototyping. Indeed, media resist, even fight back, introduce surprises between the hand, the pen, and the paper or any other material. Tools of expression are not only tools they are media with their own material agency and the resulting interaction produces go-between, mediating objects.

[1] Donald A. Schon et Glenn Wiggins, « Kinds of seeing and their functions in designing », Design studies 13, no 2 (1992): 135–156.

[2] Donald A. Schon, The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think In Action, 1re éd. (Basic Books, 1984).

[3] Pachet F., Enhancing Individual Creativity with Interactive Musical Reflective Systems, Musical Creativity, Psychology Press, Hove, 2006.

[4] Pachet F., Enhancing Individual Creativity with Interactive Musical Reflective Systems, Musical Creativity, Psychology Press, Hove, 2006.


[6] Chartrand, T. L., & Bargh, J. A. (1999). The chameleon effect: The perception-behavior link and social interaction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76, 893-910.

[7] A. d. Cayeux, I’m just married, Paris, 2003

[8] J. Baudrillard, De la séduction, Galilée, Paris, 1979

[9] Paul Virilio, Speed & Politics (Semiotext(e), 1986). Paul Virilio, Esthétique de la disparition (Galilée, 1989).